Re:Visited Pt. I - Returning to Iceland 2016

With the rainy weather today I took some time to review older work and revamp my website. I came across my photos from my Iceland trip of 2016 and wasn't happy with the decisions I made with the edits back then. Naturally I decided to try again.

The results of these new edits gave me a profound sense of pride. Being an artist can be tough since progress is difficult to gauge, however this exercise allowed me to truly understand how far I've come as a photographer. I know I have so much more I can learn, but for now I'm going to take a couple days to share some of these new edits.

Of course, my progress here can be considered mostly subjective so some of you may prefer the originals but that's where I welcome feedback and conversation so that I can further develop my style and knowledge. So, keep an eye out and be sure to let me know your thoughts!

Old Herring Factory Furnace.jpg

Original Edit (2016)

Old Herring Factory Furnace.jpg

New Edit (2020)


Re:Visited Pt. II - Aged Inspiration from Iceland