Half Moon Run - Concert Photography

Devon Portielje of Half Moon Run performing at the 2024 CNE in Toronto.

Canadian National Exhibition | August 2024

Half Moon Run, an indie-rock band based out of Montreal, Canada, has been one of my favourite bands for just over a decade now. Their music scratches an itch in the best ways, and I’ve been eager to hear them perform their songs live for quite some time.

Thankfully that time came when the band performed at the 2024 Canadian National Exhibition.

The trio brings such brilliant energy and musicianship to the stage and it felt like I was hearing some of my favourite songs for the first time again.

Of course I brought my camera along and couldn’t stop finding moments to photograph. Please enjoy browsing through, and consider checking out the band as well! You can jump over to their website here.

If you’re in Toronto and are looking for a concert photographer, please get in touch! I would love to hear from you.


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